We Need Help

Hi Anna Smith Gardeners -

Please put Wednesday, November 14, 9:00 AM until finished or you have to leave.
Taking a lead from the dahlia club beds at the Silverdale post office, Dorene and I cut the dahlias Tuesday so will be ready to dig in two weeks.  We need help with digging, cleaning, dividing, labeling, and preparing the tubers for storage. 
We will also be preparing the roses for winter so Ray will be there to direct those activities.

These projects will keep many of us busy for several hours so the more who can help the better and the more fun!  This is is a great teaching and learning opportunity so we are encouraging gardeners who can teach us (I am already counting Dorene & Ray in this category) about dividing and winterizing you are super invited.
Hope to see you on the 14th,
Marcia & Kathy